I have been binge watching a bit of Hindi cinema lately without an ounce of guilt. The idea to make every spare minute productive is way past me. Some days are meant to be just wasted. And lately my twenty four hours layovers have become those days. I eat, sleep, and binge watch without feeling the need to justify myself to myself. Every country has a different selection of series and movies in Netflix, so I treat myself with a laid back, non glamorous, food for the soul kind of movie. And thus I stumbled upon the Hindi movie ‘The Three of Us’.
I am not writing a review of the movie here. This is more about what I felt while I was watching the movie. Mainstream Bollywood stopped appealing after I touched my late twenties. It is flooded overwhelmingly with perfect faces and figures with catchy songs, and lazy writing, directing and at the best, mediocre acting. The lower middle class reader in me makes every effort to stay away from such nonsensical business. But then every once in a while, comes a director who sees stories beyond the glitz and glamour and a writer who makes ordinary characters look beautiful and together with some underrated talented actors, they make a ‘good for the soul’ kind of movie. ‘Three of Us’ was one of those movies for me.
The joy of seeing actors effortlessly giving stellar acting without an iota of glamour in their characters is so refreshing. It is all about the small details.
This piece of art took me to my own memory lane of the small town I grew up in. The narrow lanes, the asbestos thatched roofs, the trodden old desks of the school I went to, the few friends who chose to stay back in the slow life of that town while others went towards the fast paced life of the big city. To the innocence of the childhood love and all its naive promises. To playing with my sister and the neighborhood kids, to the weekend art and dance classes. It took me to my own beginning, to where it all started. It reminded me once again that sometimes it is important to stop being the juggler and take a break. Take a breather and visit those memory lanes, and refresh them before they become too hazy, they are left behind too far away.
What is love, trust and maturity in a marriage, the feeling of missing something, the need to be away from the organised chaos that most of our lives have become.
I hope I gave you enough reasons to watch the movie without giving away any spoilers! Also, if mundane, regular, ordinary things and people and stories doesnt allure you, then neither will this beautiful piece of art.

Pic Courtesy Google